Sunday, September 9, 2007

Moderate the word: EACHOTHER vol.1 "together" and "arrangement"

From capslock to rocksteady there is something about joining two words into one. A colleague I will call CRASH gave me some insight on this paradox. He said "I don't think the "one" and the "other" can ever merge but they can co-exist." Good enough for me to see that this union of "each" and "other" have a chance in the figurative world. But let me just voice that according to syntax, the Ancient Greek word which itself is a union - (from Ancient Greek συν- syn-, “together”, and τάξις táxis, “arrangement”)- some light shed on this issue. The rules of Syntax are respected by this auteur, but let me remind you that the rules are meant to be broken. The essence of a word coming out of the mouth is the real deal. Us writers are influenced by spoken word. We hear, we write, we document, we destroy. But not without a respectable amount of humiliation. Check this anonymous bloggers all too similar dream.
I am not alone in this petty crusade.
Good thing I have film reviews interwoven in this blog or else you my dear reader would not give two sniffs off a horses ass.

(Header "split" image of Jaco Pastorius and Jimmy Hendrix)

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